It’s coming. No, not the government shut down but the $100 bill.
By Dian Vujovich
My plans for today’s blog were to write about the brand spanking newly redesigned $100 bill. The C-note was originally supposed to be at banks on Oct. 1. But an ink snafu got in the way and the delivery date of the new Benjamin is October 8th.
Not to worry, though. That’s because every old 100-dollar bill will work just fine now as well as into the future. Old bills are like that: they’re good forever.
Keep in mind the October 8 date is the one when banks and financial institutions are scheduled to take delivery on the bills they’ve ordered. And, that it always takes a while for any new legal tender to get into circulation.
The new 100-dollar redesign is all about making it more difficult to create counterfeit bills. And, who knows —with a government shut down looming counterfeit $100 bills could be in high demand. Okay, I don’t know that for sure but hey, money is tight.
Two new things about the C-note are a 3-D security ribbon that’s supposed to be evident when you tilt the note back and forth and a color-shifting bell placed in the bill’s inkwell.
We’ll see.
In the meantime, there could be big money in the old money you’re carrying around.
Check out the serial numbers on all of your bills to see if any are ”fancy” numbers. If that’s the case, whatever the denomination the value of that bill could be much higher no matter what its face value reads.
According to a recent CNBC story, fancy serial numbers include those that are “low” (00000001 through 00000100), “ladders” (43210987), “radar’ (43788734), “solids” (33333333), and “repeaters” (82118211).
Depending upon your find, that same source reported that a $100 bill could be worth $1,000 or more. Even $1 bills have upside potential.
Time to check what’s in your wallet.
To learn more about the new $100 bill visit: www.newmoney.gov
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