IMPT: FDIC E-Mail Scam
By Dian Vujovich
Since I posted yesterday’s blog, I’ve gotten five fraudulent e-mails in my home computer mail account representing their source as the FDIC. This is an e-mail SCAM that the FDIC apparently began hearing about yesterday and mainly targets the e-mail addresses of businesses.
So beware. And more importantly, DO NOT click on the link in the e-mail! Doing so could result in big problems for you—-like identity theft.
Below are how my emails read and what to do if you’re the recipient of one/any of them:
•From: “consumer”
•Subject line: There were two different subject lines. One, “you need to check your Bank Deposit Insurance Coverage”. The second, ” FDIC has officially named your bank a failed bank”.
•The content: “You have received this message because you are a holder of a FDIC-insured bank account.
“Recently FDIC has officially named the bank you have opened your account with as a failed bank, thus, taking control of its assets.
“You need to visit the official FDIC website and perform the following steps to check your Deposit Insurance Coverage:
“Visit FDIC website: (I’ve deleted the rest of the info in this for personal reasons but it goes on for two more lines.)
“Download and open your personal FDIC Insurance File to check your Deposit Insurance Coverage”.
Under the message was the FCIC logo and “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.”
•What to do? Forward ALL e-mails to this address:
Again, DON’T click-on the link contained in this fraudulent e-mail. But DO forward the entire e-mail to
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